"If we want to help the child draw nearer to God, we should, with patience and courage....seek to go always closer to the vital nucleus of things. This requires study and prayer. The child himself will be our teacher....if we know how to observe him." Sofia Cavalletti
Level 1: Mother Mary Room
Sundays 8-9:15AM (K-1st) - Full waiting list only
Mondays 3-4:30PM (3-6 year olds) - Full waiting list only
Fridays 10:30AM-12:00NOON (3-6 year olds) - Full waiting list only
Level 2: St. Teresa Room
Sundays 8-9:15AM (2nd-3rd) - Full waiting list only
Mondays 3-4:30 (6-9 year olds) - Full waiting list only
Fridays 10:30am-12noon (6-9 year olds)
If a waitlist forms, we will add an additional atrium time depending on catechist availability